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A real-time selfie is simply a selfie that an individual captures and uploads at the moment that it is requested for identity verification, as opposed to a previously-captured selfie that the user selects and uploads from their gallery. Real-time selfies are also sometimes called real-time photo verification
A real image is always formed by a convex lens. Virtual images can be formed by concave, convex or plane mirrors. Therefore, we can say that the difference between real and virtual images is that the real image can be obtained on the screen whereas the virtual image cannot be obtained on the screen.

Your personal image is how people perceive you at a glance. Thus, it’s the way you dress, the way you look, the way you behave, the way you communicate, etc. Finally, people only look at your appearance to get a first impression of whether they like you or not. That is your personal image.

Being happy never goes out of style”, “A little contour and confidence”, “Smile a little more, regret a little less”, “Grow through what you go through”, “I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way”, “Confidence level: selfie with no filter
Living for the moments that take your breath away

Sunsets and good vibes
Life’s too short not to smile

Being ready isn’t enough; you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change.
We’re so very focused on ourselves and on self-promotion. It goes on all day with Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.

Finding beauty in the simple things
It’s all about the glow”, “I’m classy and sassy”, “Flawless”, “Independent”, “Always classy, never trashy”, “Life isn’t perfect, but I am”, “Calmness over chaos”, “Inhale, exhale”, “On top of the world”, “Be your own reason to smile

Finding beauty in the simple things

Step out of your comfort zone and take a leap of faith – you never know what you might achieve!

Lifestyle photography is a genre of photography that mainly aims to capture portraits of people in situations, real-life events, or milestones in an artistic manner. The primary goal is to tell stories about people’s lives or to inspire people at different times.
Lifestyle photography is a genre of photography that mainly aims to capture portraits of people in situations, real-life events, or milestones in an artistic manner. The primary goal is to tell stories about people’s lives or to inspire people at different times.

A real-time selfie is simply a selfie that an individual captures and uploads at the moment that it is requested for identity verification, as opposed to a previously-captured selfie that the user selects and uploads from their gallery. Real-time selfies are also sometimes called real-time photo verification

Traditionally, a still life is a collection of inanimate objects arranged as the subject of a composition. Nowadays, a still life can be anything from your latest Instagram latte art to a vase of tulips styled like a Dutch Golden Age painting
Image is so important because the way you present yourself has a profound impact on your career. And it’s not just your body language, hair and makeup, or how you dress, image is also your social media presence.
October 19, 2024